EscapeArtistes Blog

Puppy looking terrified on the beach.

Bali Stories: Winnie (Part 1)

In Bali, one often acquires a pet without really thinking about it. In fact, once known in the neighbourhood as a soft touch, folk can...

HDR motorbike by Bev Goodwin on Flickr's Creative Commons.

Different for Girls

There comes a time in every woman’s life when you realise that travelling just IS different for girls. For me, this little epiphany happened en...

Black and white retro burglar alarm.

Settling Down, Take Two

The first week of school passes mainly in a frenzy of house-hunting. That is to say: stabbing at the Facebookz like a starving lab-rat, visiting...

Zac on his first day at school.

In Which We Find a School

The next school we see, Dyatmika, looks promising. It’s got a good mix of local and international students; the elementary level is taught in Indonesian...

Bamboo structure at Green School Bali.

Green School, Bali

“Don’t miss the healing circle,” says one friend, rather snidely. We’re off to inspect Green School, the extensively-PRed international school on Bali, with its award-winning...