EscapeArtistes Blog

Creative Writing

As part of our homeschooling topic on the Vietnam War, Z has been reading Chickenhawk. While not as “adult” as the current meaning of the...

Swans v. Dragons

Travel with children is a wonderful thing. The sheer, unalloyed joy they take in the smallest, and most unexpected things, the chance to watch them...

Bowl of pho with side dishes of herbs, chillis, pickled garlic, beansprouts, chilli sauce

Our Friend Pho

Vietnamese is now officially Z’s favourite cuisine — second only to Italian, ahead of Thai and English — and, as noodle soup obsessives, we will...

The Birds and the Bees

In the aftermath of our not wildly successful dragon boat cruise, Z and I are ambling along the south bank of Hue’s Perfume River, trying...

Hue, with a Y

So the Perfume River of Hue, Vietnam, technically, and sadly relevantly, pronounced huey, is just that little bit less perfumed today. Timed, flawlessly, just as...

On Laundry

So this rather hot Kiwi chap in his 30s hit on me in the hotel last night. Obviously, I completely failed to register it until...

Lanterns, Hoi An, Vietnam

The Night Bus

So, the night bus in London. Squabbling teenagers. Aggressive crackheads spouting bullshit at the bus driver in pursuit of a free ride home (or wherever)....

Puppy at roadside stall, Mui Ne, Vietnam

Hounds, Bikes and Dunes

Z and I are sitting at a roadside stall in Mui Ne, Vietnam, watching a very cute, extremely solemn and phenomenally determined toddler hounding an...