EscapeArtistes Blog

Bali cremation: Men tend pyres with kerosene burners.

A Cremation in Bali

The three giant black bulls had been sitting in state outside Ubud Palace for a day or so, golden necklaces adorning their necks, their dangling...

The S Word

When the lovely Colin and Tracy asked me over appropriately, err, lubricating quantities of beer, to put together a piece on sex on the road,...

Help! I'm Location Independent

“Location independent” is a phrase I, frankly, loathe. Though, with its implication that anyone who’s not travelling has somehow failed to think about what they...

wall of poster collage at Sticky in Sydney

The Sunday Six: Sydney Bars

1: Shady Pines Saloon A New York hipster bar with an Aussie sense of humour. Country and Western plays, skulls adorn the bar, a fine...

Rice paddies and a house in Ubud, Bali

A Walk in the Rice Fields

When she was a little girl, Su’s father built her a little tower on stilts in the rice paddies. Not to play houses — unusually...

The Sunday Six: Greece

Every Sunday, we’ll be featuring six favourite places in a favourite country or region. Our first? Greece. A lot of people think of Greece as...