EscapeArtistes Blog

Golden sand islet in the Derawans, Indonesian Borneo.

Indonesia Travel Tips

With anything from 13,466 to 18,306 islands, depending who you ask, sprawling over 5,000 kilometres across the equator, Indonesia isn’t the easiest place to navigate...

Picture of attractive dessert with title Unoaked 2.01

CSI: Food

I have undergone some unpleasant eating experiences in my time. Decades have passed since I repressed my gag reflex to swallow rancid, sandy goat fat...

Antique books in a library.

The Best Books About Indonesia

When it comes to books, I’m old school. I like to read books about a destination rather than Googling and, in fact, I still vastly...

Dengue Is Not My Bitch

Having been bar reviewing, on and off, since the late Jurassic, I rarely get hangovers. But the one in Singapore was a corker. The aching...

Eight Reasons to Visit Java

The most many visitors to Indonesia see of Java is Jakarta airport. But, while Indonesia’s gridlocked capital is a tough city to love, and hectic...