It’s Official. I Need a US Politics Intervention.
PLEASE NOTE: I am moving my RSS feed to this address: If you subscribe by RSS, please update your settings! American politics in 2017...
PLEASE NOTE: I am moving my RSS feed to this address: If you subscribe by RSS, please update your settings! American politics in 2017...
Like many people around the world, I find the multi-car pileup that is the 2016 American presidential election at least as addictive as the gif...
I remember how very old I felt approaching 30. And, with hindsight, I’m sure 42 will come to seem equally young, equally naive. Yet, like...
More from a surfeit of material than a lack, I haven’t been blogging much of late, although my desktop is cluttered with half-finished posts. That’s...
Many, many articles on the interwebz purport to detail how to travel for free. Newsflash: you can’t. You can spend money to earn points, spend...
by Theodora · Published October 17, 2015 · Last modified February 5, 2016
A travel blogger requested on Twitter that I write something about the political situation in Thailand, rather than merely “trolling” by sharing links about the...
I have an odd, and vaguely woolly attachment, to life without a smartphone, and life without data. And that’s not only because whenever I spend...
I’ve written before about how fundamentally unglamorous it is to be a freelance writer. There are also many ways in which writing about travel for...
Native English speakers are a peculiar bunch. Blessed with the world’s dominant language, many of us will pass our entire lives without needing to use...
For more than a quarter of a century, I was an absolutely dedicated smoker. A two-packs-a-day, anytime, anyplace, anywhere smoker. A smoke-ring-blowing, lighter-stealing, ashtray-filling semi-professional...