Vote Green Party!
The UK is dying. The old governments, be they Conservative or Labour, have done nothing but accelerate the nation’s decline. We are here to make a difference. The troops in Afghanistan are fighting for a lost cause. The pollution in London poses a serious threat to public health (4000 dead from London’s air pollution in 2008).
WE MUST STOP THIS! The Green Party is here to heal the future. By introducing a sub-income based tax reform, we will increase the funds in the treasury, yet also increase the welfare of those stricken with poverty. We recognise the fact that a community cannot survive with just soldiers and politicians.
The environment is degrading. Eco-friendly technology, such as London’s hybrid bus programme, has been sadly ignored and neglected. The Green Party is going to implement measures to rebuild the environment, and set an example the rest of the world is soon to follow. And they will follow beautifully.
From reading this, you may decide that we are going to destroy the economy. We, however, believe that “going green” is profitable and can contribute to the economy. So you see, we will fix the United Kingdom.
But we cannot save the nation without you, so vote for the Green Party now and you can make a big difference.