The Magic of Travel
One of the great things about travelling with Z is the pleasure he takes in the different means of going from A to B. From the night train to Bangkok to trekking through the Cambodian jungle to swan boats in Hue, Vietnam.
But for me, this snap of him riding tailgate on a sawngthaew (South-East Asian pickup-taxi-bus), ahead of our big adventure down the Mekong in Four Thousand Islands, Laos, sums up his excitement.
So I’ve submitted it to Photo Fridays at Delicious Baby.
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It’s so true, isn’t it? Kids enjoy the journey. Well, the destination too. But they take such joy in any sort of innovative transportation mode.
Yea, yea and thrice yea! We are in the Philippines now, getting rather over-excited about jeepneys, ferries, and habal-habal.
So very true, mine has become a pro on so many different modes from cargo ships to camels on our open ended world tour since 2006. She loves them all and now is an expert on just about every type of transportation in 32 countries and total confidence in negotiating her way ANYWHERE mapping it from start to finish. She had never taken a bus before we left when she was 5, so quite a change for a typical American kid.
One of the great things about family travel is doing ordinary things ( like transport) in extraordinary places. The more complicated the process, like when we went into Africa overland with MANY different modes over 24 hours starting at 3AM, the more our kidlet seems to like it. LOL.
Trust kids to teach us that everything is an adventure!
Absolutely! No aches and pains, just sheer joy… though it has to be said, mine is not “a morning person”…